Cornwall Geoconservation Group A Committee of the Royal Geological Society of Cornwall
Cornwall Geoconservation Group (CGG) is a volunteer organisation of professional and amateur geoscientists and mining engineers. Its role is to raise awareness of the county's geodiversity (i.e. its rocks, minerals, fossils, soils and landforms) and to provide advice on their geoconservation. It has a responsibility for designating and maintaining County Geology Sites (CGS) and providing advice to Cornwall Council on planning issues that could have an impact on geodiversity. CGG is a formal consultee on planning issues.
Additional information about the group, its activities and more about Cornwall's geology are at: Cornwall Geoconservation Group
For more, see also our Facebook page:
Cornwall Geoconservation Group | Facebook
A map and summary of information about County Geology Sites held by the Environmental Records Centre for Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly is at:
County Geological Site Map | County Wildlife Sites
The site boundary of all CGS is also shown as a layer on the Cornwall Council Interactive map at: Cornwall Council Interactive Map